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Round Three on the Naked Bus and Queenstown!

I can honestly say I had never been on a more entertaining bus ride in my life.

I get on the bus around nine bracing myself for the eight hour bus ride to Queenstown and attempt to go to sleep right away. After twenty minutes into the bus ride I awake to a HUGE BANG and loud screams.. apparently the bus driver had side swiped another truck and hit another car. No one was hurt and it wasn’t a bad hit at all. My immature self started laughing while everyone else on the bus starts freaking out... like were okay people no ones hurt chill out( if im the calm one during something like this clearly I was on a bus with some horribly anxious individuals jeeze)

Here we all are thinking it’s going to take an hour to get this situated.. it literally took five minutes to handle everything. The bus driver hands those involved in the accident a slip of paper they sign it and were off again… no one hurt, no one even mad( nothing like New York car accidents.. at all). Needless to say I was shocked ( later I learned New Zealand has a no insuracne policy so im assuming these people were just thankful they got hit by an insured driver who would eventually claim the accident... hence their laughing at the situation)

We get to Queenstown without a hitch. I check into my hostel and head out to get a drink at a bar promoting $2 Taco specials (this is when I knew Queenstown was the place for me).

I don’t know if New Zealand is really that small of a place or if its me that just keeps running into the same people, but I run into the two girls from LA who I met in Christchurch. We bond laughing over the face mask incident with our creepy roomate in from the other hostel. We get drinks and head out to a bar to watch a rugby game( thanks to shan and Ali during my Freshmen year of college I had my fair share of rugby knowledge, and felt cool knowing a little bit about what was going on).

Let me tell you these people LOVE their rugby here... especially when you watch the game at a local's bar in Queenstown.

After the intense game we part ways and make plans to get together the next day and I go back to bed and pass out. ( boring post here I know but im laying the ground work for some interesting stories to come don’t you worry).

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