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Driving on the Left Side of the Road

Before I even made it to Queenstown multiple backpackers and natives told me that Milford Sound is a must see! (Though the drive is a bit long: about four hours straight through from Queenstown). I knew it was a place I wanted to see, it was just a matter of how I wanted to get there. My options being either do a typical all day tour, or look for other possible options.

I had kept seeing signs for rental cars throughout my traveling and thought to myself well hey why don’t I just rent a car and go at my own pace… rent a car where they drive on the left side of the road and a majority of the countries citizens without car insurance.

So I pretty much made my mind up and had it set on driving to Milford Sound by myself. Now all of you who know me are aware that I am possibly the worst driver known to mankind. I mean really I almost harmed me and my housemate while parking a car( I slammed on the gas thinking it was the breaks and almost landed us into a tree).. this was while just PARKING A CAR PEOPLE. I also happen to be known as one who is directionally and geographically impaired ( I still have trouble remembering which exit is the one that heads towards where I live or the one that heads towards New York City) and yes I’m aware of how pathetic I sound but in all this I can say I’ve never been in an accident or even hit anyone ( shocking).

I rented a little car for three days from Jucy Rentals (I would totally recommend using them again they were so helpful, super nice, and really wanted to look into getting me the best deals possible.) and was headed off to Milford Sound.

As much as I am horrible at driving, I love driving and jamming out by myself like a loser. So when I tell you this was the best drive I have ever had/ made in my entire life I am not kidding. After picking up the car from the airport ( Jucy Rentals also gives you transportation to and from the airport in order to pick up your rental car, and even back to the city after you drop the car off) I headed off to begin my adventure.

Not even 20 minutes towards Milford Sound and you start traveling along with is considered the most beautiful scenic drive in the South Island. I think I stopped the car and got out to take a picture every third mile. It was amazing. Truly breathtaking! The sun was setting, it was still warm out, I had music blasting, and was surprisingly good at driving one the left side of the road. I’m going to sound so lame here but I actually cried a little when it hit me that so many people never get to experience the views I was taking in, or even given the opportunity to drive themselves on the opposite side of the road.

I can honestly say I have never been more proud of myself. I didn’t kill anyone, only drove on the wrong side of the road once (no cars were coming thank god), and only occasionally used my windshield wipers when I was attempting to put the directional on (signals are on the opposite side of the car as well).


Needless to say it was an experience I would repeat again in a heartbeat! it gave me such a feeling of complete contentment, and confidence. Seriously if you are ever given the amazing opportunity to drive on the other side of the road TAKE IT!! … If I can do it, there’s no doubt in my mind that anyone can!!

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